
I probe in the name of science

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I am

I would like to introduce myself,I am Life and I feel it is time to speak and tell my side of the story.
I am what is happening to you while you are making plans on how I should be lived.
I am chaos.
I am order.
I am anarchy.
I am control.
I am the balance that separates them.
I have both a beginning and a ending.
I have always existed.I will always exist.
Where ever i can exist I do.
I am everything and everywhere.
I exist in many places on many levels.
I am the greatest singularity for there is only one of me.
You can not explain me,you will never understand me or master me.
you would not exist without me.
I am the great conundrum.I am both meaningful and meaningless.
I have a purpose for being while being pointless with no reason.
 I am consistently inconsistent.
I am the Creator, the spirale city architect  who designs it.
I am the engineer who builds it. I am the destroyer that brings it all back down.
I am the collector of karmic debt and dispenser of karmic rewards.
I am the first breath of the new born.
I am the last breath of the dieing.
I am every breath wasted  in between.
I am fair and unfair.

  When  the road a head is smooth and struggle is nonexistent ,You are reaping the  fruits of your karmic rewards,
some of you will make great use of them and continue to build up your karma for many lifetimes yet to be lived.
 Some waste their rewards,throwing them away, forgetting the lessons of past lives learned and owing a karmic debt in future lifetimes yet to be..

To know what i am all about you must first experience me and everything that is me.
                                                                the good
                                                                 the bad
                                                           the happiness
                                                              the saddnes
                                                                  the pain
                                                              the pleasure
                                                                 the love
                                                                the hate
Look here for the answer the question,Who am I?
You are the sum of all that you have experienced.

the big ones that immediately changes the path you have been on,
 the smalle ones that  went unnoticed.
Many times these small insignificant experiences have a great impact
 on you and change  who you are without you realising its even happening.

.I have been called cruel because of the hard lives they had.
 Cruelty  is done by those who could not handle their experiences because of a
weakness within them.
Whatever hardships ,detours or obstacles,
 i have placed in front of you was put there for one reason,
 it is in my nature to make you struggle
everything struggles to live,
to live is to survive

my purpose
the purpose of life
 is to survive,
survival is the first instinct
the strongest of all instincts,

 So please remember this, the hardships you have over come,the ones you are overcoming now and the ones you will face in the future are there to ensure that you have strength to survive and in surviving,you are fulfilling the
the purpose of life.

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